Aftershock, filmed like The Banquet or The Day After Tomorrow? Decide!Posted by Alice Xin Liu on Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 5:36 PM
Today is the opening of Feng Xiaogang's Aftershock (唐山大地震), a tear-jerker of a movie, with the promoters hinting that there won't be a dry eye in the cinema. Based on the big earthquake of Tangshan in 1976, Feng's wife Xu Fan plays a mother who has to choose which of her offsprings will live. The film is also the first I-MAX movie made out of the United States, and predicted to be a top box office smash. The Liaoshen Evening News published an investigation into the commercial backing of the film, interviewing its producer on the Tangshan side, Yao Jianguo (姚建国):
The team eventually chose the second offer. They had considered choosing Zhang Yimou or Chen Kaige to direct the film, but when both directors were unavailable they turned to "Feng Xiaogang, who was good at using small characters to reflect real times, and made commercial New Year movies (贺岁电影)" based on the release of war movie The Assembly (集结号), which made him appear more serious. At the end of the article there was a 'related links' section, which summed up the Chinese film industry in very plain terms:
Links and Sources
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