Front Page of the Day
Courts can mediate, but enforcement is another matterPosted by Joel Martinsen on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 4:01 PM
At the bottom of the front page of today's Beijing Youth Daily is a short report on the problems that Beijing's courts are having with ensuring that their mediated settlements are carried out:
The report notes some possible solutions. The Daxing court, for example, has introduced guarantee clauses into its mediation agreements to increase the financial burden for non-payment. The Haidian court has introduced penalty fees for late payments. And the Mentougou court is requiring the parties to demonstrate sufficient assets before the session convenes. So who's going to make sure the fine is paid? Update (2010.07.08): Stan Abrams at China Hearsay has an informative post about mediation in China. Links and Sources
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